Monday, June 2, 2014


Flossing is something you'll hear from your dentist and hygienist that you need to do more of.  Floss comes in several shapes and sizes.  The important thing is to floss regularly.  Some studies are showing that a Waterpik can replace the use of floss.  Whether using a Waterpik or traditional floss, the idea is to remove debris from between teeth.  The longer debris remains interproximal the more damage and inflammation it causes the bone and gum(periodontitis and gingivitis).  I recommend flossing daily.  Some patients complain that they can't get their hands all the way back to the back teeth.  We have tested methods and tools to help you get the task done.  If you have further questions about flossing technique, types of floss, or just need a regular dentist please give us a call or visit our website for more information.
Cooper Family Dentistry 
Cooper Family Dentistry

-Dr. Cooper

Cooper Family Dentistry is a dental office located in the Lansdowne Shopping Center on Tates Creek Rd. in Lexington, KY dedicated to helping you and your family achieve the best oral care.

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